Southwark Black History Month 2023

Continuing on the Black History Month focus. I have added another post due to receiving my poem being read wonderfully by carer Annette Davis.

Recently there was a Black History Month event held over at South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. I was due to attend, but had other commitments. It was a shame, since I attended the previous Black History month event at SLaM NHS. The event included food, music, stalls and poetry.

Annette Davis a carer who I have known a very long time is the Chair of the PCREF Service Users and Carers Group at our local mental health trust.

She is very dedicated to her role and champions working together with health services. Annette has her own ethnic carer group over in Southwark and at times we do collaborate. I was astounded by Annette’s performance of my poem and had to a video of her reading my Black History month poem shown below.

Our History to Celebrate – Poem by Matthew McKenzie read by Annette Davis.