Carers Week 2024 – Help put carers on the map

Hello everyone. I am Matthew McKenzie, Carer Activist, poet and author. Volunteer for Carers UK, Carers Trust and Macmillan Cancer support to raise awareness of unpaid carers using my lived experience of caring.

At the time of this blog post it is Carers Week 2024. Carers Week 2024 could not arrive at such a better time, especially with an election happening.

For Carers Week 2024, the theme is “Putting Carers on the Map”. I know many carers are facing so many challenges in their role. This could be down to difficultly providing unpaid care, getting engagement from health & Social care services or even being identified as carers.

Many carers up and down the country can be easily hidden, they carry on with their caring role unaware of the support that can be offered to them.

With an election due to take place, the chance to put carers on the map has never been greater. It is an excellent chance to use our voices, experience of care and connections to continue to raise awareness.

So I am counting on many to help raise that much needed awareness of Carers Week. If you are a carer, health professional or someone with lived experience, it might be worth looking out for events from 10th of June to the 16th of June.

I will continue to write and promote carer events nationwide and do all I can to help raise awareness of carers, I hope you can as well. You can sign a pledge on the Carers Week website or you can run an event yourself. There is nothing too small to place carers on the map.

Poem for Carers Week

For carers week to share
It helps to be aware
That if you really care
Listen up for your own welfare

Its best you are not ignored
Noted a carer to be on record
For support is your reward
So social care back onboard

For Carers week is here
With events to promote and shareb
Its worth attending, just be there
To learn about unpaid care

So please dont be ignored
It something you cant afford
Support and help explored
Faith in the system restored